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1 Subject

Lab 16 Assignment

Lab 16 Assignment

Q Purpose: To help you select strategies for managing eating to control body fatness. Procedures: 1. Read the strategies listed in Chart 1. 2. Make a check in the box beside five to ten of the strategies that you think will be most useful to you. 3. Answer the questions in the Conclusions and Implications section. CHART 1: STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING EATING TO CONTROL BODY FATNESS

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“X” Check 5 to 10 strategies that you might use in the future. “X” Check 5-10 strategies that you might use in the future. Shopping Strategies Eating on Special Occasions Shop from a list. Practice ways to refuse food. Shop with a friend. X Avoid tempting situations. Shop on a full stomach. Eat before you go out. X Check food labels. Don’t stand near food sources. Consider foods that take some time to prepare. If you feel the urge to eat, find someone to talk to.